Sébastien Gueze è uno dei pochi tenori francesi ad essersi distinto a livello internazionale nei più grandi ruoli del repertorio romantico francese e italiano degli ultimi anni. I suoi impegni includono teatri prestigiosi come La Monnaie de Bruxelles, il Theatre an der Wien, la Semperoper di Dresda, il Grand Théâtre di Ginevra, La Fenice di Venezia e il Metropolitan Opera.
Recentemente ha eseguito HOFFMANN / Les Contes d’Hoffmann a Dresda e Colonia sotto la direzione di Kent Nagano, Don José / CARMEN a Ginevra, Lipsia e Siviglia, WERTHER a La Fenice, FAUST a Omaha e Lensky / EUGÈNE ONÉGUINE a Charlotte USA, LA VESTALE di Spontini al Theatre an der Wien, Romeo / ROMEO ET JULIETTE a Hong Kong, Maurizio / ADRIANA LECOUVREUR a Saint Etienne e Faust ne LA DAMNATION DE FAUST al Met.
Presto sarà Pinkerton / MADAMA BUTTERFLY all’Angers-Nantes Opera, il ruolo di Shakespeare al Wexford Festival / LE SONGE D’UNE NUIT D’ÉTÉ e farà il suo debutto palermitano come Don José / CARMEN. Sébastien Guèze è stato nominato Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres nel luglio 2021 dopo 50 ruoli, 80 produzioni e 400 spettacoli.
All’inizio, la sua carriera consisteva in un master in commercio internazionale presso l’Istituto delle amministrazioni e delle imprese di Montpellier, poi un Primo Premio in canto al C.N.S.M.D. da Parigi.
Ha vinto il Premio del Pubblico e il Secondo Premio del Concorso Operalia – Placido Domingo nel 2006. Da quel momento in poi, è stato ingaggiato per il suo primo Rodolfo / LA BOHEME all’Opera di Atene, diretto da Graham Vick, ruolo che coprirà i palchi di La Fenice di Venezia a La Monnaie di Bruxelles, passando per Ginevra,Helsinki, Colonia, Austin (USA), Leeds Opera North, Bordeaux e Liegi tra le altre.
Esegue anche Alfredo / LA TRAVIATA alla Semperoper di Dresda, al Teatro Wielki di Varsavia a La Monnaie; Hoffmann / LES TES D’HOFFMANN al Teatro Aalto di Essen, Friburgo, Bonn e Wiesbaden in Germania; Romeo / ROMEO ET JULIETTE ad Amsterdam, Monterrey in Messico e Miami; Nemorino in L’ELISIR D’AMORE a San Paolo, Brasile; il Chevalier Des Grieux / MANON a Marsiglia e Vilnius; Il Duca / RIGOLETTO a Guadalajara e Mantova al fianco di Placido Domingo; i ruoli principali di FAUST a Wroclaw, Tolone, Reims, Pamplona; PELLÉAS ET MÉLISANDE all’Opéra de Nice; Pinkerton / MADAMA BUTTERFLY ad Avignone; Nadir / LES PÊCHEURS DE PERLES all’Opéra National du Rhin o Le Chevalier de La Force in DIALOGUES DES CARMÉLITES all’Opéra National de Lyon.
Esegue rarità del repertorio francese: Fabrice del Dongo / LA CHARTREUSE DE PARME di Sauguet all’Opera di Marsiglia, Pyrrhus / ANDROMAQUE di Grétry a Bruxelles, Norimberga, al Festival de Radio France e al Théâtre des Champs-Elysées, Mylio / LE ROI D’YS a Liegi, Saint-Etienne, Montpellier e all’Opéra Comique di Parigi, Shahabarim / SALAMMBÔ di Reyer, Vincent / MIREILLE a Marsiglia, Floreski / LODOÏSKA di Cherubini all’Accademia di Santa Cecilia a Roma e al Teatro Champs Elisei ; le creazioni di Marius / MARIUS ET FANNY di Vladimir Cosma, Jacques in UN AMOUR EN GUERRE di Caroline Glory e Patrick Poivre d´Arvor a Metz e Christian in CYRANO di David Di Chiera a Miami e Detroit. Canta anche in concerto alle Chorégies d’Orange, alla Salle Pleyel, all’Harare International Arts Festival in Zimbabwe, all’Alizés Festival in Marocco, all’Oji Hall di Tokyo, alla Grand Hall Philharmonic di San Pietroburgo o al la Walt Disney Concert Hall di Los Angeles.
Sébastien Gueze is one of the few French tenors to have distinguished himself internationally in the greatest roles of the French and Italian romantic repertoire in recent years. His engagements include prestigious theaters such as La Monnaie de Bruxelles, the Theater an der Wien, the Semperoper in Dresden, the Grand Théâtre in Geneva, La Fenice in Venice and the Metropolitan Opera.
Recently he performed HOFFMANN / Les Contes d’Hoffmann in Dresden and Cologne conducted by Kent Nagano, Don José / CARMEN in Geneva, Leipzig and Seville, WERTHER in La Fenice, FAUST in Omaha and Lensky / EUGÈNE ONÉGUINE in Charlotte USA, LA VESTALE by Spontini at the Theater an der Wien, Romeo / ROMEO ET JULIETTE in Hong Kong, Maurizio / ADRIANA LECOUVREUR in Saint Etienne and Faust in LA DAMNATION DE FAUST at the Met.
Soon he will be Pinkerton / MADAMA BUTTERFLY at the Angers-Nantes Opera, the role of Shakespeare at the Wexford Festival / LE SONGE D’UNE NUIT D’ÉTÉ and will make his Palermo debut as Don José / CARMEN. Sébastien Guèze was made Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres in July 2021 after 50 roles,80 productions and 400 performances.
In her early days, her career consisted of a master’s degree in international commerce at the Institute of Administrations and Enterprises of Montpellier, then a First Prize in singing at the C.N.S.M.D. from Paris. He won the Audience Prize and the Second Prize of the Operalia – Placido Domingo Competition in 2006.
From then on, he was hired for his first Rodolfo / LA BOHEME at the Athens Opera, directed by Graham Vick, role that it will cover the stages of La Fenice in Venice at La Monnaie in Brussels, passing through Geneva,Helsinki, Cologne, Austin (USA), Leeds Opera North, Bordeaux and Liège among others.
He also performs Alfredo / LA TRAVIATA at the Semperoper in Dresden, at the Wielki Theater in Warsaw or at La Monnaie; Hoffmann / LES TES D’HOFFMANN at the Aalto Theater in Essen,Freiburg, Bonn and Wiesbaden in Germany; Romeo / ROMEO ET JULIETTE in Amsterdam, Monterrey in Mexico and Miami; Nemorino in L’ELISIR D’AMORE in São Paulo, Brazil; the Chevalier Des Grieux / MANON in Marseilles and Vilnius; Il Duca / RIGOLETTO in Guadalajara and Mantua alongside Placido Domingo; the title roles of FAUST in Wroclaw, Toulon, Reims, Pamplona; PELLÉAS ET MÉLISANDE at the Opéra de Nice; Pinkerton / MADAMA BUTTERFLY in Avignon; Nadir / LES PÊCHEURS DE PERLES at the Opéra National du Rhin or Le Chevalier de La Force in DIALOGUES DES CARMÉLITES at the Opéra National de Lyon.
He performs rarities from the French repertoire: Fabrice del Dongo / LA CHARTREUSE DE PARME by Sauguet at the Marseille Opera, Pyrrhus / ANDROMAQUE by Grétry in Brussels,Nuremberg, at the Festival de Radio France and at the Théâtre des Champs-Elysées, Mylio / LE ROI D’YS in Liège, Saint-Etienne, Montpellier and at the Opéra Comique de Paris,Shahabarim / SALAMMBÔ by Reyer, Vincent / MIREILLE in Marseille, Floreski / LODOÏSKA by Cherubini at the Santa Cecilia Academy in Rome and at the Theater Champs Elysées ; the creations of Marius / MARIUS ET FANNY by Vladimir Cosma, Jacques in UN AMOUR EN GUERRE by Caroline Glory and Patrick Poivre d´Arvor in Metz as well as Christian in CYRANO by David Di Chiera in Miami and Detroit.
He also sings in concert at the Chorégies d’Orange, at the Salle Pleyel, at the Harare International Arts Festival in Zimbabwe, at the Alizés Festival in Morocco, at the Oji Hall in Tokyo, at the Grand Hall Philharmonic in Saint Petersburg or at the Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles.
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